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Until now we can present only two issues of the Journal 'Baaz Gasht' that was published in Berlin by Pakistani people.
August 1977:
Probably in the August a special number of 'Baaz Ghasht' (see Jan. 1980) is published in Berlin by the Pakistanische Studenten-Föderation on the Coup d'état with an article from July 18, 1977 in Urdu, German ("Der Putsch in Pakistan: warum und was demnächst") and English ("The Coup in Pakistan: Why and What Next").
Quelle: Baaz Gasht Sonderausgabe, Berlin o. J. (1977)
Januar 1980:
Probably in the beginning of the year 'Baaz Ghasht' No. 1/1980 (see Aug. 1977) is published in Berlin by the Organization of Progressive Pakistanis (OPP) on the topic "How Pakistan Destabilized Afghanistan" with articles in Urdu and English:
- "Our View";
- "Afghan Revolution and its Problems";
- "Pakistan in the German Press";
- "News Summary";
- "Increase in America's global Military Activity";
- "List of Political prisoners";
- "A Prisoner Speaks" from Abdur-Rab of Bangladesh;
- "An Upheaval is forecast" from Salamat Ali;
- "Letters";
- "Hypocrisy About Afghanistan" from Suleman Mehlati;
- "How Pakistan destabilized Afghanistan" from Hani Haloch; and
- "A Note to our Readers".
Q: Baaz Gasht Nr. 1, Berlin 1980
Letzte Änderung: 27.08.2021
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